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Svakoga dana odslusam lekciju i ponavljam ono sto treba. Svaka lekcija traje od prilike pola sata. Ali kazem najvise od svega me to odusevljava sto je program toliko fleksibilan i sto mi je najvaznije ne zavisim od kompjutera. Ove adrese mogu dosta da pomognu oko izgovora francuskog. Ako ne znate kako da izgovarate reci ako niste odredjeno vreme slusali nekoga ko govori francuski putnicki recnik vam nece mnogo pomoci. Prvi link je za potpune pocetnike i tu objasnjava i osnove izgovora , a drugi je za one koji vec poseduju odredjeno znanje. Super je sto postoje i transkripti. Francuski izgovor je dosta tezi od izgovora drugih romanskih jezika i ako idete u Francusku cesto cete morati da ga znate. Desava se da Francuzi ne znaju ili nece da govore engleski. Može da se skine sa net-a i knjiga pdf i lekcije u mp3 formatu. U pitanju su audio kursevi koji vam omogucavaju da sve vreme aktivno ucite jezik. Potpuni kursevi traju oko 3 meseca. Pomocu ove metode ucite samo izgovor mozete da dobro naucite akcenat i osnovno citanje. Naucice vas da efikasno koristite oko 600 reci to sam negde procitao u razlicitim kontekstima. Korisnik samo treba da prati uputstva. Mislim da prosecan covek upravo to zeli. Zeli da govori jezikom koji uci. Mana je sto cete pisanje morati da naucite pomocu neke druge metode. Takodje, s obzirom da koristi samo odredjeni broj reci moracete da nabavite naprednije kurseve, odete da ucite jezik u nekoj skoli jezika u manjoj grupi ili odete u zemlju ciji jezik ucite. Cena je poprilicno visoka. Kurs moze da se nadje na internetu, ali sve teze i teze. Alternativa Pimsleur-u, po mom misljenju, su FSI Federal Service Institute kursevi. Institut za jezike Vlade Sjedinjenih Americkih Drzava vec 60 godina pravi kurseve za diplomate SAD. Uci vas da citate, pisete, slusate i govorite. Vizuelno su uglavnom zastareli cesto se to odnosi i na audio materijale , tako da bi vam pokazali pravu vrednost morate da im date sansu. I oni su takodje skupi. E, sad, meni je Pimsleur na isti način iritantan kao oni programi za učenje slepog kucanja. Sve to funkcioniše, i tako to, posle svakog časa ti lepo možeš da izgovoriš, čak i sa finim akcentom, nekoliko novih rečenica, i heads up za tehniku ponavljanja, uz to je prigodan za lenje pojedince poput mene jer ne zahteva ni pola posto koncentracije za praćenje, apsolutno, bez po muke ide nam od ruke, bez mrvice razmišljanja naučiš ponešto, samo ponavljaš kao papagaj i pratiš šta ti traka zapoveda, no.. Dođavola, ala je dosadno. Napredak je, upravo zato što je tehnika prilagođena, izvinjavam se, ali debilima, užasno spor, malo se prolazi za jedan čas tj, pola sata , i kod mene izaziva razbiću-tastaturu-i-razbiću-monitor-ako-me-još-jednom-jebeno-pitaš-da-to-izgovorim-devetnaesti-put-zar-ti-nije-dosta efekat. No, kažem, za nekog ko neće da se trudi i ko ima malo više živaca od mene čudna mi čuda , prilično korisno. Livemocha je meni bio dobar sajt za učenje jezika, sad su ga nešto unetworkili, ufacebookili, nisam ga skoro posećivala, pa me je to neprijatno iznenadilo, ali i dalje mislim da je dovoljno dobar. On istovremeno implementira i izgovor i pisanje, a polako uključuje osnovnu gramatiku, meni je sasvim odgovarao svojevremeno. Isto ne previše zahtevan, ali opet zahtevniji od pimsleura i samim tim i efektniji, a pritom se zaista uči jezik, from square one, a ne gomila fraza i najčešćih konstrukcija. Inače, moje iskustvo je bazirano na učenju francuskog, čisto da dam neki okvir ovoj priči. Kod torenata je problem sto su neki kursevi jezika nepotpuni i naravno torenti su sporiji, ne zavise od tvoje konekcije. I Pimsleur ne moras da slusas sa kompa. To sto naucis znaces dobro. Za vise od toga tu je FSI. Postoje besplatni - bajati kursevi iz vremena Hladnog rata i noviji koje je tesko naci. A ako mislis na slušanje sa mp3-ojke, to meni ne radi posao, jedino ako pobegnem u neku šumu. Ako ne ponavljam naglas francuske reči, k'o da ih nikad i nisam čula, teško da ću to raditi u gradskom prevozu, a pokušavam da svedem razgovor sa sobom na ulici na mimimum. Takođe, nisam imala problema sa skidanjem torenta, a to mi je uvek prvi izbor jer nemam konstantan rapid nalog. Ograničavao me je jedino provajder limitiranim protokom, haha. Pimsleur je ok, ako hoćeš da se snađeš u stranoj zemlji. Ako hoćeš da naučiš lepo jezik, druga je to priča. Navodno bigger, faster and uncut. Ako ti se uči, sasvim fino za početak. Oni funkcionisu tako da kada pronadjete linkove, samo ih selektujete i kopirate, a u programu pritisnete ctrl+V paste , i ostalo program radi sam. Imaju i varijante da dodatno ubacite patch u program, koji automatski menja IP adresu, pa nema 15-ominutnog cekanja, ali ja se nisam igrao sa tim, posto me zent da nesto ne zeznem...
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And then use a separate address as we suggested above that you can easily cancel if you start to get a lot of spam. Someone asking you to use a wire service to get money to them is up to no good.
The person on the other end only sees your Google voice number if you've set things up correctly. Police and charities are here to help and support you. They cannot do a criminal records check on every user.
Best Online Dating Sites & Services - It was featured a lot in a media as a way to protect women who are meeting guys for the first time.
Safe Online Dating Online dating sites such as Match. The vast majority of people using dating sites are sincere and honest in the information they provide and in their reasons for joining. However, there are exceptions, and you need to be aware of how to keep yourself - and your bank account and savings - protected while meeting people online. The Risks Get started.... Membership means that the site has to commit to an industry code of practice that includes honest communication with users, protecting their privacy and providing a mechanism for reporting abuse. Inclusion of the ODA's logo on the site indicates membership. Don't include your surname or any other identifying information such as your place of work either in your or when you first make contact. Stay in control when it comes to how and when you share information. Don't include your contact information such as your email address, home address, or phone number in your or initial communications. Take things slowly and share more information when you feel comfortable doing so. It is impossible to get back information once you have given it away. If this happens contact the dating provider immediately to not only protect yourself but other users too. Connecting With New People Online Get to know people, take your time and trust your instincts. Act with caution and learn more about someone before contacting him or her outside of the dating site. They do it to protect you, not to make money. Use their platform and the added security it gives. If and when you do decide to share an e-mail address think about creating a separate and anonymous email address. Take Your Time - Sometimes when you're excited about someone, your instincts can be confused by strong feelings. Take care and take your time when you talk about yourself. There will be plenty of time to share such details if your relationship develops. They cannot do a criminal records check on every user. And a person can become a problem without having a record. Therefore, don't get a false sense of security because you're on a dating site; do your own research to learn more about someone and make informed decisions before you decide to meet. Check to see if the person you're interested in is on other social networking sites like Facebook, do a web search to see if there are other records of the person online, and if possible use google image search to check the photos. Money Requests Are Your Red Light - Why would someone need to borrow money off somebody they have never met, or only just met? There is no reason for anyone to ask you for money or your financial information, whatever sad or sob story they give. Always keep your bank and account information private. Stop all contact immediately and report the matter to the dating site. Report Unacceptable or Suspicious Behaviour - Nobody should have to put up with offensive, insulting and threatening behaviour online any more than they should or would if talking to someone in a bar or café. Trust your instincts and immediately stop communicating with anyone who makes you feel uncomfortable or apprehensive. Never feel embarrassed to report a problem to the dating service. You are helping them and doing other users a favour. Play it safe when you meet face-to-face Be smart and stay safe. Going on a date with someone new is an exciting step in a relationship, but continue being careful. Even if you feel you have become closer to someone via email and phone, you should still remember that this person is largely a stranger to you. Therefore it is important that when meeting someone in person, whether it is your first or fifth date, you take precautions and consider these dos and don'ts. Agree on what you both want from it before you meet up. The safest plan is to meet somewhere public and stay somewhere public. Get to know the person, not the. Make your excuses and leave. No matter what the circumstances, sexual activity against your will is a crime. Police and charities are here to help and support you. Contact or , or for more information and advice, including other charities and support groups, visit: Avoiding Scammers Sadly, people aren't always what they seem. Dating sites, social networks and other internet services are targeted by scammers. Scammers want one thing and one thing only — money. Here are a few examples of common scammer behaviours to watch out for and report: 1. Declarations of love - If someone you are in contact with starts declaring their love for you within a matter of weeks or even days or hours , be cautious. You need to know someone to come to love them. Instant messages of love could be someone trying to get right into your life, possibly for all the wrong reasons. Requests for money - This really should send alarm bells ringing whatever the form the request comes in. Scammers will look to gain your sympathy with the stories they tell. Someone offering you money - Who gives money away to strangers through a dating site? These are always scams. The same goes for anyone with a sure-fire get rich quick schemes. The only one trying to get rich quick is the scammer as he or she fishes for your bank details or other financial information. Threats and blackmail - These are ugly words. But some scammers have tried to threaten money out of people for not showing pictures, webcam footage or messages that they have managed to get out of users online. Advice for avoiding scammers - Never ever respond to a request for money. Or stories about a desperately ill family member who needs help with medical expenses. These sorts of pitches may take time to come out in messages, time in which you may very well have come to trust and value a relationship with your online contact. That does not make them any less of a lie. Someone asking you to use a wire service to get money to them is up to no good. They may dodge questions or make excuses for not meeting or speaking on the telephone. Their or communications may also have odd spelling and grammar. Your private life should stay private until you know someone really well and can start over time to trust them with things. Report them; however bad that might feel at the time. The Police have national and local teams there to attack fraudsters. Let them protect you — and others. If a contact starts to feel strange and especially if money gets raised you might ask a friend or relative if you are not at a point where you think there is something to report to the dating service. If they advise you to back off... Scamming is a pretty sick line of business but it is a business for them. They practice tugging at heartstrings, at showing tenderness or a neediness. They tell people what they want to hear. If you suspect that someone you're talking to may be a scammer, stop your communications and immediately report him or her. You should never feel too stupid or ashamed to report someone. You are not the person who should be ashamed and stopped. Tell the dating site — and talk to the professionals. All ODA members have to have reporting arrangements to deal with users concerns about a bad experience or suspicious behaviour. Dating site providers want and need to know if there is a problem. They can act to get people off sites immediately to help safeguard you and others. Online dating providers need to know if someone is trying to get hold of your personal information, asking for money or behaving in really inappropriate ways. They monitor regulatory but need to be told if you can see a that has obscene, pornographic, abusive, violent or otherwise offensive photos or content. They will act to remove the content and the user. Any act of violence or abuse should be reported to your local police. If you have been the victim of a sexual assault and do not want to contact the police, the ODA strongly recommends you contact a SARC. If you are in Scotland, contact Police Scotland on 101. This page has been compiled with the kind assistance of the Online Dating Association.
Fake profiles and lies at dating sites like Plenty of fish , Datehookup , etc. It sucks.
Safe Online Dating Online dating sites such as Match. However, is it really worth difference the risk for the 1-2% who might be dangerous. You can do a Google search by image to see if it was a stock photo, or someone else's image. The now infamous infidelity dating sitewhich was one of the most expensive, was also the lowest-scoring online dating service, with a score of 37. Secure online dating — and I mean never — meet a man at his home or even think of inviting him to your home until you really get to know him. Is their anyway to get these prick of get our money back.???. You need to know someone to come to love them. If a contact starts to feel strange and especially if money gets raised you might ask a friend or relative if you are not at a point where you think there is something to report to the responsible service. It was kinda easy to WOO and WOW women on the phone and they not only thought me safe, they felt an almost unique connection with me. Enlist the help of a friend. Once money has been sent to the criminals, they will delete the fake custodes and cease all form of communication.